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morning sickness 【醫學】孕婦晨吐。

morning star

You ' re more likely to suffer from morning sickness if you have a history of nausea or vomiting from taking birth control pills , if you ' re susceptible to motion sickness or migraine headaches , if you ' re carrying twins or multiples , or if your mother or sisters had morning sickness 如果你曾經在服用避孕藥后出現惡心或嘔吐的副反應,或者使你屬于孕吐或偏頭疼易感人群,抑或你懷著雙胞胎或多胞胎,還有你的母親或姐姐也有過孕吐的癥狀,你出現孕吐的可能性會更高。

Spurious pregnancy is also called pseudocyesis , or pseudopregnancy , disorder that may mimic many of the effects of pregnancy , including enlargement of the uterus ; cessation of menstruation ; morning sickness ; and even labour pains at term 假懷孕可能具有懷孕跡象的身體紊亂,包括子宮擴大,停經,早晨感到不舒服,甚至間歇腹痛。

Bananas will settle an upset stomach . ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea 在為胃痛煩惱?香蕉-生姜!香蕉可以緩解胃痛,而生姜則可治療晨吐及反胃。

Don ' t you get morning sickness 你沒有晨吐嗎?

About 50 % of the pregnant women have different degrees of morning sickness 大約有50的孕婦有程度不同的孕吐。

What is the most common time to suffer morning sickness during pregnancy 懷孕期間晨吐通常發生在什么時候?

I hardly had any morning sickness the first two times 我上兩次很少會晨吐

Travis have you had any symptoms of morning sickness 崔維斯?有沒有任何晨吐的癥狀。

“ my mother had morning sickness after i was born 我老媽是生完我以后才開始害喜的。

A little bad morning sickness every now and then . . 時不時早上有一點點不舒服. .

Montayne was a drug to combat morning sickness in pregnant women . 蒙太尼是一種用于減輕婦女在懷孕期清晨惡心感的藥物。